Hiero Blog

How to Make Core Day Even Harder!

Written by Hunter | Mar 6, 2024 7:49:27 PM


1. Straight Leg Barbell Sit-up

As if sit-ups weren't already challenging enough, we decided to add a barbell to the mix and make them next to impossible!

To correctly execute a straight leg barbell sit up, start by laying all the way back and positioning your barbell directly over your chest. Then bend at the hips, using your core to raise your upper body so that it's perpendicular to your legs. As you rise, position the barbell directly overhead so that it's in line with your upper body. This will help keep the weight balanced while also offering the maximum resistance during your sit-up.


2. Hollow body

Almost all yogis will be familiar with this pose. 

To perform a hollow body (also known as boat pose), lift your legs and arms off the ground so that your body forms a v shape. Avoid any rounding in the spine. 


3. Ab Wheel Rollout

If you're like me, the ab wheel rollout is probably you'd seen on TV for years before actually trying it for yourself. And while balancing on this little wheel while slowly pushing it forward may look intimidating, it's actually pretty simple!

Is it tiresome — yes. Will it make your abs scream absolutely! But that said, there really isn't much to it. 

  • you'll want a mat for extra cushion
  • you'll also need the little wheel (obviously)
  • set up on your knees
  • slowly extend forward letting your arms lead you
  • keep your spine straight


4. Star Plank

How do you make planking even less comfortable? Simply take away the support of your hands and arms by moving them to the side. By moving your hands away from your center of gravity, you'll be forced to rely on your core muscles to stabilize you and prevent your mid body from collapsing to the floor. 


5. Suitcase Deadlift

It's time to give your obliques the attention they deserve!

Obliques are like the abdominals neglected step siblings — you know that they deserve more attention, but you always forget them at the last minute in favor of more abcentric exercises. Well it's time to put all that to a stop!  

And what better way to show your oblique muscles that you care than by absolutely obliterating them with suitcase deadlifts?

To perform a suitcase deadlift, grab a barbell (start light) and set it to one side. Bend at the knees and hips until your thighs are about parallel to the floor.Push the hips back and drive through the heels to lift yourself to standing. Then slowly lower the bar by hinging at the hips while keeping your back straight. Repeat until you feel like calling a the fire department to put out the burning in your side. (Or until you can no longer perform them with correct form). 

Talk to a Trainer

Don't hurt yourself trying something new. Consult with a certified trainer to make sure you're performing every exercise correctly, so that you can maximize gains and avoid injury!