Hiero Blog

Personal Training for Powerlifting

Written by Hunter | Dec 8, 2023 11:53:33 PM

Minimize the Risk of Injury


Powerlifters can’t afford to make any false moves when deadlifting 300 + lbs! The results could be catastrophic. Fail to lift with your legs and you might strain your back. Round your spine a little too much you could end up with a herniated disc. Luckily there’s a simple and effective way to increase your one-rep max without risking your health!


The right personal trainer can help you maintain proper form so you can get the most out of your workout while mitigating the risk of injury. Because let’s face it, we all make mistakes. But when you’re powerlifting, small mistakes can cost you big, especially if you make them a habit. However, trying to watch yourself in the mirror while lifting is also not an option for obvious reasons. That’s why it helps to have a second set of eyes. And while workout buddies can be great for spotting obvious mistakes, unless they’re also a personal trainer, they probably lack the qualifications necessary to coach someone on the finer points of powerlifting.


The right trainer can teach you the proper techniques for each deadlifting, benching, and squatting —- so you get the absolute most out of every single lift! They can also help you identify any weaknesses in your form that have the potential to cause injury or limit progress.

Optimize Your Workout


Proper programming is essential to maximizing your gains! Because it’s not just about lifting harder, it’s also about lifting smarter. So you’ll need to pay attention to things like warm ups, weight load, sets, reps, nutrition, and recovery.


Spoiler alert: Bro Science isn’t enough


To create the right workout plan for your goals and body type, you need someone who’s up to date on the latest research and trends on powerlifting. And who better than a certified personal trainer? 



Stay Motivated


Training is a GRIND, and even the most motivated powerlifters find themselves getting stuck from time to time. Get unstuck with a personal trainer!


We all understand the physical demands of lifting heavy. But we often underestimate the mental barriers standing between ourselves and peak performance. Trainers can provide mental skills and strategies you need to get the absolute most out of every workout. That way you can push past complacency and more effectively reach your goals. And let's be honest, we could all use our own cheerleader every now and again.




Find a trainer who can help lift you up while you’re busy lifting the bar! Here’s a tip to get started: when looking for a coach make sure to research their certifications. NASM and ISSA both have great powerlifting certifications for trainers.