Hiero Blog

See How Improving Flexibility Can Help Prevent Injuries!

Written by Shin | Jan 2, 2024 3:44:58 PM

Flexible muscles and tendons reduce the risk of strains during exercise and daily activity. Not stretching leads to shorter and tighter muscles, which tend to strain easier than longer and flexible muscles and tendons. When a muscle strains, it is classified into three levels, or grades, of injury:

Grade 1: This level is mild and involves some swelling, maybe some mild loss of range of motion, and the tissue is stretched and torn slightly.

Grade 2: Tissue is torn incompletely, with around half the muscle fibers torn. Significant and acute pain comes with swelling and decrease in strength.

Grade 3: Complete rupture of the muscle in which either the tendon is separated from the muscle or the muscle is actually torn in two parts. Complete loss of function, severe swelling, and a lot of pain are common signs of this grade of strain.

In all grades, there might be swelling, redness, and bruising visible on the skin. 

When a muscle is strained, the fascia around it is torn and injured. Fascia are connective tissue that lines essentially every part of your body, providing support to all of the body’s systems.

For most office workers, fascia in the back tends to be tightest. Poor sitting posture leads to stress on your spine and back, causing your fascia to tighten up. This leads to reduced range of motion, pain, and poor circulation, as reported by the National Spine Health Foundation. The rise of the COVID-19 pandemic and the emergence of the work remote movement has resulted in most people spending a lot more time behind a computer screen. And as we all know sitting hunched over a keyboard leads to incorrect posture. Think of the classic “slouched over computer with shoulders rounded forward” look. Maintaining a certain level of flexibility, however, minimizes the strain on your fascia, and can lead to better posture. 
At Hiero, our trainers are experts in stretching, flexibility, and improving range of motion not only for athletes but for anyone looking to change their lifestyle. Sign up today and begin your journey towards flexibility and improved health!