Hiero Blog

The Future of Combinatorial Optimization

Written by Shin | Feb 12, 2024 11:39:36 PM

Here are just some of the ways how combinatorial optimization will transform the world we live in:

Supply Chain Optimization

While drones and unmanned delivery trucks probably won't see widespread adoption in the next few years, sophisticated software to schedule and route drivers in a way that maximizes deliveries and minimizes time is already the norm at major US firms, like Amazon, FedEx, and UPS.

We predict that as this technology continues to develop, its use will spread to businesses of all sizes from large retailers to neighborhood restaurants, and even SAT tutors. That's because you don't need a fleet of delivery trucks to benefit from intuitive scheduling and routing tools. Anyone who travels from one place to another can benefit from combinatorial optimization. This includes service providers like personal trainers, hair dressers, and tutors.

For larger firms, combinatorial optimization will take the headache out of large scale supply chain problems. 

For small businesses and individual service providers, vehicle routing optimization will help streamline commutes enabling them to serve more customers than ever before! 

Air Transportation

Airlines make a TON transporting cargo from one part of the globe to another. In fact, this service accounts for hundreds of billions of dollars (USD) annually! 

When planning cargo transportation, airlines want to load as much cargo as possible while maintaining a safe weight and balance. This creates two very complex problems that needs to be solved in order to guarantee a safe and profitable delivery:

  1. The Air Cargo Palletization Problem describes the need to load as much cargo onto a pallet as possible. 
  2. Aircraft Weight and Balance Problem describes the need to create safe flying conditions. So pallets need to be loaded into the plane so that balance is maintained, while still loading as many pallets as possible, without exceeding the plane's carrying capacity. 

In the past, both issues had to be solved separately due to technological limitations. But thanks to developments in processing power, both issues are able to be solved at the same time and refined with combinatorial optimization, resulting in more cargo transported, less fuel used (and lower emissions), and an overall safer flight. 


Scheduling is at the heart of all businesses, from healthcare providers to hairdressers. And it's especially important when dealing with clients. Nothing to hurts a business like frustrated customers dealing with cancelled appointments or longer than usual wait times! Just think back to the last time that waited thirty minutes to finally hear the nurse say, "the doctor will see you now," or spent fifteen minutes waiting in the doorway of a restaurant with your family for your table to be ready. The good news: AI is making scheduling headaches like these will be a thing of the past.

Imagine a world where every business has its own AI scheduling assistant. That way you can spend less time scheduling and spend more time growing your business. 

At Hiero we're using combinatorial to do just that! Just look at our app for personal trainers. With the Hiero app, all trainers have to do is enter their availability, training locations, and price. Their clients will then enter their availability, preferred training location, and budget. Using this information, our AI scheduling assistant will create the your schedule by prioritizing earnings and clients served, while minimizing travel.