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Fitness is a journey that takes time and will power. But booking a personal trainer shouldn’t! Hiero connects athletes with heroic trainers fit for them.

We’ve taken power of AI and used to create a next level fitness app. Our tools are designed to maximize every workout and unleash your full potential!

By streamlining the booking process, Hiero enables trainers to focus on what they do best — inspiring and transforming lives through fitness.  We take the work out of scheduling workouts, so you can get back to  training! 

Make the most out of every workout! Join Hiero on our quest to create a stronger, healthier world.

"We’re using cutting edge principals in math and science to disrupt the fitness industry and empower athletes and trainers to reach their goals faster!"

David Pepper

"Hiero is a mathematical milestone that embodies decades of scientific progress in the fields of artificial intelligence, combinatorial optimization."

Julian Yarkony


David Pepper

CEO/ Co-Founder

Dr. David Pepper is an economist and entrepreneur who has experience working with major governmental and international organizations, including the World Bank, Treasury Department and the CIA. He also served as a professor at Columbia University for 20 years, and is the current CEO of Next Generation Robotics.

Julian Yarkony

CTO/ Co-Founder

Dr. Julian Yarkony earned his PhD from the University of California Irvine and has developed multiple novel techniques in optimization and artificial intelligence.

Amelia Regan

Chief Scientific Advisor

Professor Emerita in Computer Science at UC Irvine and director of the Master of Supply Chain Transportation and Logistics Program at the University of Washington, Seattle. Dr. Regan is an expert on routing and scheduling optimization.