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How Weight Training Improves Quality of Life

Resistance training isn’t just about looking ripped! There’s also a ton of health benefits associated with pumping iron. Below we breakdown all the ways strength training can increase your quality of life.

1. Increase Bone Density 

Woman shoulder pressing

Bone mass decreases at an average rate of 1% per year after the age of 40. This in turn increases your chance of breaking something from a fall as you get older. 

Lucky for you, strong muscles lead to strong bones! And lifting weights has been shown to increase bone density and lower the risk of osteoporosis. According to Harvard Medical School, “Activities that put stress on bones can nudge bone-forming cells into action.” The result is stronger, denser bones.


2. Protect Joints 


Lifting weights helps stabilize and protect joints. By building the muscles around joints it lessens the amount of pressure you place on joints during everyday activities. Here’s why:

When weak muscles are overused, excess force is placed on your tendons leading to the gradual degradation of joints over time. For example, weak quadriceps can lead to joint injuries during activities like running, jumping, or even walking. 

By reducing pressure on joints weight training has also been shown to reduce arthritis pain by up to 35%!

Unfortunately incorrect form and pushing too far past your limits can damage joints. This is why it's helpful to work with a trainer.


3. Prevent Muscle Atrophy

Barbell curling

According to the National Institute of Health, muscle mass decreases approximately 3–8% per decade after the age of 30. And that rate of decline becomes even higher after the age of 60. Strength training can help combat muscle loss by increasing the size and strength of your muscles. 

When you lift weights repetitive muscle contractions break down muscle fibers. After your workout your body creates proteins to repair damaged muscles. As muscle fibers are rebuilt they become thicker and stronger, resulting in noticeable gains over time. 

4. Shed Pounds by Boosting Your Metabolism

Body weight exercise

Recent studies show that lifting weights can result in increased fat burning for at least 24 hours following your workout.  

“Part of the effect occurs because muscle is metabolically active and burns calories, so adding muscle mass by lifting should increase energy expenditure and resting metabolic rates,” writes Gretchen Reynolds for the New York Times. 



You already knew that lifting weights could get you jacked! Now you know all the other processes that boost your health following an intense workout. The only question that remains is how to get started.

Train your body the right way — with a certified personal trainer! 

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